William Shatner and HearingLife Team Up to Spread Awareness about the Importance of Hearing Care in the US HearingLife’s “Love Your Ears” give back campaign provides free hearing aids to those in need. Those who share their story have the chance to receive free hearing aids, celebrated by William Shatner!

A video accompanying this announcement is available at: https://youtu.be/CqMCndmTOfg
Would it surprise you to know that hearing loss in the U.S. is expected to double to 73M by 2060?* Hearing loss can prevent a life well-lived and cause some to miss out on meaningful connections. Even so, it takes people seven years from the time they suspect they might have hearing loss to the time they seek treatment. But no one should ever feel that hearing loss is something to be ashamed of. Proactive health habits such as hearing care are so important to living a long and healthy life.
Hollywood legend and HearingLife spokesperson, William Shatner, has lived a full, adventurous life, from traveling to space to acting on the big screen. But what many might not realize is he is also living with tinnitus! William Shatner has teamed up with the leading hearing care company to spread awareness about the importance of hearing care in the US.
To stress the importance of proper hearing care, HearingLife is currently running its “Love Your Ears” give back campaign and is giving away free hearing aids to people in financial need who are struggling with hearing loss.
For the opportunity to receive free hearing aids through “Love Your Ears,” anyone in the U.S. can submit their personal story to www.hearinglife.com/giveback, or nominate a loved one, explaining how receiving hearing aids could make a difference in the quality of their life.
HearingLife offers brands with some of the highest rated technology on the market, including several award-winning options. Hearing aid technology has come such a long way to cater to the unique treatment needs of the individual.
With so many options out there, it’s crucial for people to seek out professional care from an audiologist or licensed hearing aid specialist. HearingLife offers personalized care with a focus on the individual’s unique needs so that we can provide people with the most optimal solution for their lifestyle.
HearingLife.com has plenty of resources available. For more information on the give back program to submit your story, go to www.hearinglife.com/giveback.
*Source: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamaotolaryngology/article-abstract/2606784
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