OV Loop Launches Community Empowering Super-App Platform Ahead of Big Players Partnering Now with Key Merchant Service Providers That Need OV’s Platform with Omnichannel Engagement and Loyalty Tools to Better Serve Clients and Fend Off Big Tech Competitors
Boston, MA
January 05, 2023 12:10 PM Eastern Standard Time
OV Loop announces the launch of its Community Empowering Super-App Platform at CES, the Consumer Electronics Show, January 5-8, 2023, in Las Vegas. The team will showcase its platform with omnichannel commerce tools for brands and a private wallet & messenger for people at booth #3561 LVCC West Hall, the OV Loop app is now in beta and available for download.
Super-Apps have been in the press a lot recently, with Musk, Dorsey, Zuckerberg, and major tech players all wanting to own one. Two super-apps already dominate commerce in China with $70T+ in turnover, but not one has emerged in the U.S. despite 8 years of Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay. Why?
OV Loop CEO Will Graylin, former Global Co-GM of Samsung Pay, explains, “A true U.S. super-app will emerge, it just won’t be from big players that exploit people’s data to disintermediate brands, nor from walled gardens that require people to change their phones, or merchants to change their POS to get their service. This Web2 DNA of Fragmentation, Exploitation, and Disintermediation (FED) is causing the very pain that super-apps are supposed to address. People are FED up with incessant spam, ads, identity theft, and poor customer experiences, while brands are struggling to find and keep customers with incompatible POS and rewards, and ineffective engagement tools. Becoming a U.S. super-app will require a very different Web3 DNA of Universality, Privacy, and Community to bring people and brands closer together.”
OV Loop was designed from scratch to be a community empowering super-app, with the Universality of omnichannel engagement and loyalty via private wallets and messengers that work across people’s existing devices and merchants’ existing POS virtually everywhere. OV provides next-gen Privacy by giving people full control and self-custody of their keys and data. OV’s mission is to rebuild Communities by facilitating more direct, more frictionless, and more rewarding relationships between brands and people.
OV founders are Mobile Wallet and POS pioneers. They invented a mobile wallet that became Samsung Pay to compete with Apple Pay, and launched a mobile POS company (Roam Data acquired by Ingenico) that became the largest supplier of mPOS for Merchant Service Providers (MSP) competing against Square. Now OV founders have launched a super-app platform, with patented omnichannel rewards and engagement tools for brands that work directly with customers’ private universal wallet & messenger, across devices and channels, all without costly POS changes.
“People want convenient personalized services without sacrificing privacy. Brands want more sales and loyal relationships without costly POS changes or complex integrations.” Graylin added, “That’s what we’re building, and I’m so excited about the roadmap we have ahead to incorporate value from banks, insurance companies, transportation companies, and more. I know we’re a small acorn today, but we have the right DNA to become a large Sequoia tree when we deliver the right value for people and brands and the partners that serve them. Our goal is to build a better, more trusted commerce community, centered on LOVE, because the spirit of love is at the heart of all good relationships. ‘O’ and ‘V’ are the two letters at the center of LOVE. I’m hopeful people reading this will join OV Loop, to help make our future better together.”

OV Loop is actively partnering with MSPs and ISVs that need a super-app platform to serve their merchants and fend off big tech competitors, and OV is partnering with banks that want a direct relationship with customers without being disintermediated by big wallet providers. Those interested can contact OV through its website or directly contact: Margaret Bouse, mbouse@ovloop.com
About OV Loop and its CEO, Will Graylin:
OV Loop provides a Community Empowering Super-App Platform to facilitate more seamless and trusted commerce relationships between brands and people. Brands can deliver Omnichannel Engagement and Loyalty experiences via people’s Private Universal Wallet & Messenger. Among its portfolio of patents, OV Loop owns the powerful HCE patents, now standard for tokenized NFC payments, allowing OV to uniquely enable its merchants to deliver 1-tap-pay rewards on their existing POS without change. Now, brands and merchants can rebuild customer relationships with the right tools and people can retake control of their identity and privacy. OV Loop’s patented super-app platform delivers more privacy, convenience, and savings for people, and more sales, loyalty, and profit for brands.
OV Loop was founded by Will Graylin, a payments innovator and serial entrepreneur. Will was the Global Co-GM of Samsung Pay after Samsung acquired his company, LoopPay. He was also the founder and CEO of ROAM Data, the largest provider of mobile POS solutions for competitors of Square, later acquired by Ingenico; and of WAY Systems, the world’s first pocket-size POS acquired by Verifone. After serving five years as a Nuclear Submarine Officer, Mr. Graylin earned two master’s degrees from MIT and holds a dozen patents from his inventions. He also served seven years on the Board of Directors for Synchrony Financials (NYSE: SYF, the largest private label credit card issuer in the world). He is concurrently CEO of Indigo Technologies with breakthrough smart-wheels powering next-gen smoother, roomier, and light EVs. Will is also an investor/director/mentor to numerous high-tech startups and non-profit organizations including ROCA and Global Unites.
Contact Details
OV Loop
Margaret Bouse
Company Website