Gold Hydrogen achieves record purity levels in Stage 1 testing

Melbourne, Victoria
May 27, 2024 06:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Gold Hydrogen Ltd (ASX:GHY) managing director Neil McDonald sits down with Jonathan Jackson in the Proactive studio to discuss the completion of Stage 1 well testing at its Ramsay Project on the Yorke Peninsula of South Australia, achieving exceptional results. The Ramsay 1 and Ramsay 2 wells recorded world-leading purity levels of 17.5% helium and 95.8% natural hydrogen (air corrected). This marks the first dedicated natural hydrogen and helium well-test operation in Australia, and one of the few globally. The Ramsay 1 test utilised an open hole well test to assess formation inflow, with nitrogen injection used to clear fluids. Formation permeability was indicated by fluid influx and natural hydrogen recovery at the surface. The Ramsay 2 test involved detailed testing of seven zones, identified using open hole logs and mud gas data from prior drilling. All zones confirmed natural hydrogen at the surface, validating previous purity levels, with the highest at 531 metres depth. Helium was also extracted from a 180-metre thick zone in the Kulpara Dolomite, with significant spikes during initial testing, confirming 17.5% helium purity. The primary objective of confirming downhole pressure and natural gas flow to the surface was achieved. Stage 2 will involve extended well testing to determine flow rates, involving a downhole pump to remove formation fluid. Success in this phase will inform future well designs and contribute to a pilot plant design. McDonald highlighted the significance of these results, which are among the highest purity levels recorded globally. Stage 2 testing is planned to begin in early Q3 2024, aiming for commercial production of natural hydrogen and helium.
Contact Details
Proactive Investors
Jonathan Jackson
+61 413 713 744