EDM Resources Inc. Announces No Atlantic Salmon Found in Third Season of Testing

Vancouver, Canada
May 07, 2024 02:03 PM Eastern Daylight Time
EDM Resources CEO Mark Haywood joined Steve Darling from Proactive to provide an update on substantial progress the company has made regarding environmental compliance critical for the Scotia Mine's restart. The company has effectively completed three of the required four seasonal samplings of Atlantic Salmon DNA, following guidelines set by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO). Alongside these efforts, the team is conducting thorough reconnaissance to pinpoint additional potential sites for the necessary stream and river restoration. This initiative is a cornerstone of the comprehensive fish habitat offsetting strategy demanded by the DFO.
During the discussion, Haywood highlighted findings from the winter season DNA tests which confirmed the absence of Atlantic Salmon in the vicinity of the Scotia Mine, a result that aligns with the company’s environmental goals and augurs well for the mine’s prospective operations. Haywood expressed optimism for similar outcomes from the forthcoming final season of testing, anticipated to further bolster the case for the mine’s operational reboot.
Moreover, EDM is making strides in adhering to the DFO’s specific requirements through detailed environmental studies and the implementation of restoration projects designed to mitigate any adverse effects on fish habitats due to future mining activities at the site. These proactive environmental measures underline EDM’s commitment to sustainability and responsible mining practices. The conclusion of the last testing phase is expected in May 2024, which will mark a significant milestone towards achieving environmental and operational readiness for the Scotia Mine.
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