US Department of Agriculture Has Launched Youth Program to Help “Defend the Flock”
Young people are the future of our poultry farming industry and more people have embraced raising chickens at home. That’s why the US Department of Agriculture has launched its Flock Defender Youth Program that includes online interactive games and educational materials to help people keep their birds healthy. The web site is also a great resource if you are new to poultry or already own birds. a video accomplaying the news release can be found here: https://youtu.be/tIrCkgswQGM Protecting the health and safety of our nation’s poultry must be a top priority for flock owners of all ages. The Flock Defender Youth Program is an extension of the Defend the Flock biosecurity awareness campaign and includes resources and activities for the next generation of poultry-keepers. Flock Defender is Biosecurity Outreach Effort Aimed at Youth and Student Audiences Youth are the future of our nation’s poultry farming and industry. The Flock Defender outreach program shares the agency’s existing Defend the Flock message that encourages and prepares all poultry owners to implement diligent biosecurity practices with future and aspiring growers. APHIS provides youth, students and their leaders parents, and teachers with many digital resources they can use during meetings, classes and when caring for their flocks. Biosecurity Education Kit Help future and aspiring poultry growers learn about biosecurity with the Biosecurity Education Kit. Youth leaders and teachers can use this guide which includes puzzles and worksheets to use at classes and club meetings. Online Biosecurity Game “Flock Facts: Test Your Knowledge” is an interactive game from USDA/APHIS that uses a simple format to help students become familiar with the basics of biosecurity. In this game, students will travel around a poultry farm and answer true or false questions related to biosecurity principles laid out by the National Poultry Improvement Plan. This game is recommended for grades 4-8. Biosecurity Workbook Whether you are new to poultry or already own birds, make poultry biosecurity an “every day, every time” practice. The Defend the Flock Biosecurity Workbook features seasonal tips and worksheets to create and record your personal biosecurity plan. The Defend the Flock Resource Center brings together biosecurity information and free resources from USDA and other experts, including growers, veterinarians, state agencies, scientists, and industry professionals, including checklists, resource guides, videos, and other tools. Contact Laura Febbi Diversity Marketing and Communications laura.febbi@diversitymc.com 973-377-0300 x15 Contact Details YourUpdateTV +1 212-736-2727 yourupdatetv@gmail.com
July 17, 2023 12:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time